Unlocking the potential in people

The People Password

HR relevant to you & your business

It’s time to change the way you think about HR.

Human Resources is not limited to ensuring legal compliance and dealing with staff issues. It is about developing people and company culture in harmony, so they can flourish in unison and deliver results.

At The People Password, we add value by optimising your greatest asset, your people. We offer solutions, not obstacles. 

We work to provide a positive workplace for all. From providing HR audits to HR Strategy, you can rely on us to support and develop your HR framework and support your company’s growth.

Unsure where to start? Try the quick find below.
"The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundations be laid"
Thomas A Kempis

HR Audits

A HR Audit is a stocktake of where you are and where you need to be.

The People Password HR Audit is an objective view of your Company’s HR policies, practices and procedures to identify areas of strength and improvement.

Culminating in a comprehensive report with practical next steps which fit your culture, our HR Audit will ensure that your business can be up to date and compliant with;

 Legally required HR policies
 The numerous pieces of employment legislation regarding your employee’s rights
 Practical procedures in areas such as; Recruitment | Selection | Performance Management | Onboarding | Attendance Management | Wellbeing | Retirement

Contact us today to arrange a bespoke HR audit for your business which will give you practical and workable next steps.

Policies & Procedures

Robust and transparent policies and procedures are a must have for every organisation.

Policies should cover mandatory policies (e.g. grievance and disciplinary policies) and Company policies outlining how other staff matters will be handled by the business (e.g. absence, working from home, social media use etc).

Having a set of Policies and Procedures;
Ensures your staff understand the Company’s expectations of them
Enables you to share important information.
Supports you in fulfilling your legal obligations to provide your staff with certain information
Protects your company
Helps to onboard new people who are trying to learn about the business

The People Password can:
Review your current policies and update them in accordance with legislative requirements and best practice policies, or, provide you with a bespoke handbook, incorporating all of your business’ policies and procedures, which is tailored to your business and industry and is compliant with all employment legislation, easy for your staff to understand and fits with your culture and company language.

Staff Handbooks

An up to date staff handbook is critical for every organisation to have.

Reasons why a staff handbook can help your organisation;

 Sets out your expectations of all of your staff in a clear and transparent manner
 Enables you to share important information such as benefits and acceptable behaviour at work
 Can be a one-stop-shop for all of your policies
 Supports you in fulfilling your legal obligations to provide your staff with certain information
 Protects your company
 Can serve as a “how to guide” for your people
 Helps to onboard new people who are trying to learn about the business

Once you have a staff handbook you are happy with it is essential that it is updated whenever there is a relevant policy or legislative change. On an annual basis it should be reviewed to check everything is still relevant.

The People Password can:
Review your current Staff Handbook and update it in accordance with legislative requirements and best practice policies, or,
provide you with a bespoke handbook tailored to your business and industry which is compliant with all employment legislation and easy for your staff to understand and fits with your culture and company language.

Employment Contracts

A large percentage of the time when a client asks advice about an issue with an individual, the first question is “What does it say in their contract/Is there a relevant clause in their contract?”

A contract of employment is not only a legal requirement for every employer to provide to their employees but it is also forms the basis of the employment relationship.

The legal requirements regarding what terms must be written into employment contracts fall short of what is required to protect both the employer and employee in practical working terms.  At The People Password we know what the extra terms are that need to be included in contracts of employment today. 

The People Password can:
Review your current Contracts of employment and advise relevant and practical changes, or,
provide you with a bespoke suite of standard contracts tailored to your business and industry which is compliant with all employment legislation, is relevant to today’s working environment, is easy for your staff to understand and fits with your culture and company language.

Job Descriptions

Having job descriptions for each position is an important stepping stone to be an employer of choice and it is an important foundation for your performance management process.

A well-researched and well-written Job Description ensures that a Company’s expectations of that role are communicated to the position holder and it can be used to assist in the hiring process and support your employee engagement plan.

The People Password can support your business to implement practical, relevant, and robust job descriptions for your team.

"An empowered and enriched workforce is the backbone of a Company’s success framework"
Ananya Birla

Recruitment & Selection

At The People Password we can support you to make the right decision when hiring new staff.

Hiring new people can have a major impact on your business. The right person can bring new ideas to support your business and the wrong person can cause damage to your reputation and cost you money.

We design robust selection programmes to suit any role and are qualified to provide psychometric testing.

All of the research demonstrates that selecting someone based purely on interview requires skill and is not the best predictor of future behaviour on its own. Some of the tools we can use in your selection process to support an interview are;

  Role Play
  Personality Profiling
  Aptitude Testing
  Skills testing
  Realistic Job Preview
  Job Auditions

We can also design and run Assessment Centres for candidates or Development Centres for your current staff.

Psychometric Assessments

Ability, Personality and Technical Testing.

Through our qualified Testers, The People Password can give you a real insight into your potential and current employee’s strengths, suitability for a role and areas for development.

Our Ability, Psychometric and Personality tests can be used for both selection and development purposes for all roles in your business. 

Using standardised tests such as the Hogan Personality Assessment and our own technical tests devised by The People Password, we provide a robust means of assessing candidates and staff through a comprehensive range of Psychometric Testing services, including:

  Personality profiling
  Profile of the candidate’s role within the team’s roles
  Hogan Personality Assessment
  Role Play Scenarios
  Attention to Detail Tests
  Management Ability Tests
  Generation of a list of behavioural questions tailored to specific candidates

We are qualified to advise on which tests are appropriate depending on your individual needs and to analyse and interpret the results in order to give you the most accurate insights.

Workplace Investigations

We conduct full, fair and independent Investigations.

Workplace Investigations can be time consuming but it is imperative that they are carried out correctly, objectively and in line with the Principles of Natural Justice.  There are times when this is difficult to deliver in-house due to a lack of independent resources, experience or time.

The People Password can conduct investigations and provide robust investigation reports to ensure a fair and legally compliant process.

We can investigate grievance, disciplinary, bullying or harassment issues or we can support you to undertake these yourself with our experience to guide you.


We have an informal, facilitative approach to our mediations.

Mediation is a voluntary process of conflict prevention and resolution that allows the parties in dispute the opportunity to address and resolve their issues in a confidential environment. 

We work in an impartial yet supportive way to assist the parties in dispute to resolve their issues, improve communication, defuse emotion and find agreement on a way forward.

We have a proven six stage process which we follow;

  1. An initial client consultation to understand the overarching issue, the parties involved and to outline the best approach
  2. Separate pre mediation meetings with each of the parties to establish the process to be used, an agreement to mediate and an overview of the issues
  3. A mediation session(s) with each of the parties attending together in order to identify the issues and possible solutions.  Some mediations may require more than 1 meeting 
  4. Agree on solutions and a way forward
  5. A written agreement drafted for the parties to sign 
  6. A closing meeting with the client

Remote Working Support

Help your team thrive and be ready for the future of work.

There is continuous discussion about remote working/work from anywhere and how companies can succeed at it.  But like all great successes the best approach is to keep things simple.

At The People Password we can make it a smooth process for you and your teams by providing;

Remote Working Policies
Support on how to manage your remote colleagues
Support to protect and evolve your Company Culture to ensure that engagement levels from your staff and clients/customers are high

Read Tracy’s article “Remote Working: Help your team thrive and be ready for the future of work” in the resources section.


We provide redundancy & reorganisation support.

The People Password’s redundancy/reorganisation support solution enables you to manage your redundancy process in a legally compliant manner and reduce stress for you and your employees.

The People Password can guide you through all of the legal requirements and ensure that all of your staff have as positive an experience as possible in what is often a difficult time.

At The People Password we believe that in a redundancy situation there needs to be an equitable focus on;

The People – Leavers and those remaining in the business
The Process
The Legislation and Best Practice
The Future Business

Outplacement Support

Career transitioning.

Looking after people who need to exit your employment and ensuring that they have a positive experience is crucial for;

Your employer brand
Their own wellbeing
The engagement levels of your other employees.

The People Password offers a bespoke outplacement support programme which is designed to help employees affected by redundancy or seeking a career transition to confidently navigate the job market by providing advice, guidance and support

The bespoke programme can include the following;

Establishment of career priorities and assessment of options
Development of an individual career plan
Preparation for self-employment
Creation of a great CV
Transformation of interview performance

Comprehensive psychometric profiling
Career coaching
Self-awareness and development
Training in soft skills such as communication, leadership, management, time management

The People Password Outplacement and Career Transitioning Solution can be done on a group or individual basis and is not timebound – the support is there for as long as it is needed.

“Having been made redundant I was offered outplacement support with The People Password.  Frankly, I was sceptical about what benefit it would be to me but from the minute I met Tracy I felt supported and encouraged to find the right next step for me.  I learned about my personal brand and how to optimize it – something I had never contemplated before.  Armed with that and Tracy’s help to develop a great CV and enhanced interview skills I got a new job within an industry I always wanted to work in but didn’t think I could make the switch to.”

Operations ManagerMNC Manufacturing Sector

Retirement Support

The People Password can support members of your team transitioning into, and beyond, retirement.

A holistic approach to retirement planning is key and often the only element considered is financial management.  The People Password can support your company by;

Developing a bespoke retirement policy and process, or,
Offering one-to-one support to those employees who are transitioning into retirement

The People Password’s one-to-one Retirement Transition Support focuses on providing the following tools which can be tailored to suit each individual;

Tools to understand and manage change
Developing a personal plan
 Developing a network in retirement
 CV preparation and interview preparation
 Preparation for self-employment

If any of your colleagues are within 2 years of retirement now is the time to contact us to provide you with a best practice policy and provide support with the transition to retirement.

HR Strategy

Are you optimising your greatest asset?

A lot of businesses say that their people are their greatest asset but they don’t optimise this asset as they would other assets in the business. 

A Human Resources or People Strategy is a must for every business that employs people and will enable you to optimise your greatest asset.

The People Password has developed robust, measurable and relevant HR Strategies for SMEs and multinational businesses

Get in touch to start developing your people strategy.

"Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t have to."
Richard Branson
Founder - Virgin Group

Training & Development

Our training programmes are designed with the end users needs in focus, incorporating the latest tried and tested concepts and solutions.

The People Password specialises in the provision of Business, HR, Leadership and Personal Effectiveness Training within all sectors and industries.

We can design and/or deliver tailored training programmes in any aspect related to
Human Resources, Soft skills & Business Management.

We also provide clients with Training Needs Analyses and Learning & Development Strategies to support their business strategy.

Below is an example of some of the programmes we have delivered for Private clients, Associations and Local Enterprise Offices;

Business Communication skills
Business Development
Business Scoping and Risk Management
Business Strategy
Goal Setting & Motivation
Handling grievance and disciplinary issues

HR Fundamentals
HR Management
Interview Skill
Managing Change
Managing Conflict

Mediation skills

Performance Management
Personal Branding
Planning for retirement
Project Management
Selling Skills
Time Management

If you think you have a training need, get in touch. We’ll help you to ascertain if it is definitely a training need or requires a different intervention and then support you to fulfil that need.


Coaching is future focused and based on a foundation of mutual respect and willingness to participate.

Tracy is a qualified coach with many years of experience in various types of coaching such as Business, Executive, Personal, Team, Leadership, Performance and Career Coaching. 

All of Tracy’s coaching is bespoke and individualised, with a view of optimising your time with her to ensure you achieve your goals.

Tracy’s approach to coaching is that it is a professional partnership between you and her in which Tracy supports you to discover more about yourself, set and achieve goals and fulfil your potential.


Effective mentoring is proven to enhance development, improve productivity and increase employee engagement.

Mentoring is a business relationship in which learning and experimentation can occur, potential skills can be developed, and results can be measured in terms of competencies gained.

The People Password can support you in 2 ways with mentoring for your business;

  1. We can support you to establish your own internal mentoring programme in your organisation,  or,
  2. we can be a Mentor for your people or your organisation. 

Tracy works as a Mentor for a number of professionals and entrepreneurs currently and is also a Mentor with the CIPD Steps Ahead Mentoring Programme and the Mentor Her Programme. 

“I highly recommend Tracy as a business mentor and coach. She has a wealth of knowledge and business experience to impart. Her background in HR was particularly useful to me as I’m developing services to support and improve employee wellbeing. Tracy facilitated a role play scenario at my request as I find this to be a powerful learning technique, it allowed me to get valuable feedback on my performance during a sales meeting scenario. Grateful for the support, thank you Tracy”

Caroline Cunningham, Wellbeing Sherpas

Change Management

Change is hard and it requires significant effort. Commitment to the initiative is usually what determines the success of the change.

In today’s workplace, change is constant, expected and necessary in order for businesses to remain relevant for their customers, clients, employees and other stakeholders and to ensure the sustainability of their business.

At The People Password, we support companies to shape the appropriate initiative to deliver the change.

We know that commitment from the right people means success in change and our ability to unlock the potential in people ensures that whether it’s a new policy, a new way of working, a new system or new business integration – The People Password will support you to deliver it successfully.

We follow a tried and tested process of change which we can adapt to your culture to ensure a successful implementation and a sustainable solution.

Business & Team Integration

The People Password has vast experience in the successful integration of businesses and teams and can partner with you to protect your investment and integrate the new business seamlessly.
If your business is considering the acquisition of another team then it is of paramount importance that you consider people, not just in your due diligence but also in your integration plan.


Focusing on employee wellness leads to healthier, more-engaged and more-productive staff.

The People Password can design a Bespoke Wellness Strategy or Programme for your business based on years of experience and an understanding of people – we know what actually works.